St. Cecilia Catholic Church
June 7, 2020
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
1226 N. College Avenue Kennett, Missouri
(573) 388-1951
Fr. Dominic Ibok, Pastor
Fr. David Baunach, Associate Pastor 417-851-7136
Mass Schedule:
Sunday at 10:30am (English); 1pm (Español) and Wednesdays
at 6pm
Parish Collection for May 31, 2020 will be included in next
week’s bulletin.
Please pray for /Oramos para:
Bob Bradley, Sandy DeLisle, Bob and Sharon Hines, Lynnette
Anderson, Vera Gleuck, Cecilia Barajas, Kathy Larsen, Lee
McNutt, Juan Mendoza, Mary Branch and Payne Families,
Gavin Patterson, Brianna Ellis, and our priests, Fr. Dominic
and Fr. David. Especially let us remember our chronically ill
and homebound.
Fr. David’s Parish Office Hours:
Kennett Monday and Wednesday 10-4, Tuesday off,
Thursday and Friday in Portageville 10-4
St Cecilia Events
First Communion Meeting for Parents
after 1pm Mass Today; First
Confession today
First Communion on June 14th
Parish Council: June 17th, after 6pm mass
Finance Committee: June 24th after 6pm mass
Wednesday Night Confirmation Class will meet Wednesdays
in June at 6:30pm
Totus Tuus registration begins June 7!
June 28 – July 3, 2020 Totus Tuus at St. Cecilia
Parish this year!
This year, Bishop Rice is sending college
aged missionaries here to St. Cecilia for
Totus Tuus (totally yours). This program
is a week long summer Catholic youth
“camp” dedicated to sharing the Gospel
and promoting the Catholic Faith through
teaching, songs, games, adoration, and
MASS all week long! Totus Tuus is
concerned not only with teaching the
faith, but also igniting the hearts of young
people. Children entering 1st through 6th grades will be from
9am to 2:30pm, and grades 7-12 are from 7:30pm to 9:45pm.
We need donations of food for snacks and lunches, and
volunteers to help with serving food and cleaning according to
CDC guidelines. We need families to host the missionaries
for dinner! We also need two families to house the
missionaries. For more information contact: Vanessa
(561) 351-1380
28 de junio – 3 de julio de 2020 Totus Tuus en la parroquia de Santa
Cecilia este año.
Este año, el obispo Rice está enviando misioneros en
edad universitaria aquí a Santa Cecilia para Totus Tuus (todo
tuyo). ¡Este programa es un “campamento” juvenil católico de
verano de una semana dedicado a compartir el Evangelio y
promover la fe católica a través de la enseñanza, canciones,
juegos, adoración y MISA durante toda la semana! Totus Tuus
se preocupa no solo de enseñar la fe, sino también de encender
los corazones de los jóvenes. Los niños que ingresan del 1 ° al
6 ° grado serán de 9:00 a.m. a 2:30 p.m., y los grados 7-12
serán de 7:30 p.m. a 9:45 p.m. Necesitamos donaciones de
alimentos para bocadillos y almuerzos, y voluntarios para
ayudar a servir alimentos y limpiar de acuerdo con las pautas
de los CDC. ¡Necesitamos familias para acoger a los
misioneros para la cena! También necesitamos dos familias
para alojar a los misioneros. Para más información contactar:
Vanessa Cowart o llama por
telefono a 561-351-1380.
2020 DDF
This weekend, we will be conducting our Diocesan
Development Fund Campaign. I know some of you are
suffering financially and may not be able to contribute this
year. However, if you are able to contribute, we ask that you
consider a pledge. If those parishioners who are able to
contribute would give a little more, it could make up for those
fellow parishioners who are not able to donate this year. All of
our registered households should have received a DDF mailing
by now. If you have not received the mailing, please call
Tammy Stander at 417-866-0841. She will mail you the
information. Please review the materials. We are stressing
participation. We need for all of us to work together, especially
this year. Every gift helps. Please prayerfully consider assisting
the diocese in funding the many ministries it provides for our
parish and the other 85 parishes and missions in southern
Este fin de semana, realizaremos nuestra
Campaña del Fondo de Desarrollo Diocesano. Sé que algunos
de ustedes están sufriendo financieramente y es posible que no
puedan contribuir este año. Sin embargo, si puede contribuir, le
pedimos que considere una promesa. Si los feligreses que
pueden contribuir darían un poco más, podría compensar a los
feligreses que no pueden donar este año. Todos nuestros
hogares registrados ya deberían haber recibido un envío de
DDF. Si no ha recibido el correo, llame a Tammy Stander
al 417-866-0841. Ella te enviará la información por correo. Por
favor revise los materiales. Estamos haciendo hincapié en la
participación. Necesitamos que todos trabajemos juntos,
especialmente este año. Cada regalo ayuda. Por favor considere
en oración ayudar a la diócesis a financiar los muchos
ministerios que provee para nuestra parroquia y las otras 85
parroquias y misiones en el sur de Missouri.